Ukrainian Refugee Response
Help ReachGlobal Crisis Response meet the needs of refugees in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine
February 24, 2024 marks the two-year anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine. Just 17 miles from a war zone, one Ukrainian pastor and ReachGlobal ministry partner provides an update on how he has seen God at work in his hometown of Kramatorsk during the past two years.
We are grateful for your generosity toward the Ukrainian Refugee Response. Our initial efforts offered real help and hope: doors are open for gospel conversations through the ministry of ReachGlobal City Teams and national partners in Europe.
This is a long-term response in a dynamic and rapidly-changing crisis. As a result of our initial assessments and response efforts, we have identified an opportunity to increase our goal in order to restore the Body, extend gospel ministries and establish the Church where the gospel isn't known. As this situation develops and more Ukrainians are displaced, our new goal of $3,000,000 will help Crisis Response and ReachGlobal provide holistic pathways for discipleship, leadership development and church planting in Ukraine and throughout Europe.
ReachGlobal Crisis Response continues to mobilize support for Ukrainian refugees in the wake of this crisis. Ukrainians need your help, and your partnership makes a difference. Partner with us by contributing to the Ukrainian Refugee Response fund today.
For decades, ReachGlobal missionaries have faithfully served in Ukraine, building deep relationships with national partners and the Ukrainian people. The work of faithful missionaries to extend gospel ministries in this former Soviet state revealed a people hungry for the good news of Jesus Christ. Lives have been transformed and churches planted.
We are praising God for increased openness to gospel conversations in Ukraine. As the conflict continues, we hope you will continue to join us in prayer for all those impacted.
Would you financially partner with ReachGlobal Crisis Response to help displaced Ukrainians by giving to the Ukrainian Refugee Response fund? These funds will meet the basic needs of refugees, support the work national partners and expand their ability to minister in the midst of crisis.
Thank you for your partnership.

Give online or mail a check designated “Ukrainian Refugee Response 38935” to:
Ukrainian Refugee Response
Help ReachGlobal Crisis Response meet the needs of refugees in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine. Thank you for your generosity.
Learn more about other ways to give, including gifts of stock or by check.
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