Early on February 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey.

Thousands of lives have been lost in Turkey and surrounding regions, due to the initial quake, a second 7.5-magnitude earthquake further north and the aftershocks following the earthquake. ReachGlobal Crisis Response is mobilizing to share the love of Christ with those in need and seek the restoration of the body in southeast Turkey.

ReachGlobal has decades of ministry history and church partnership in Turkey. There is a significant local church presence in the region directly impacted by the earthquake, and ReachGlobal Crisis Response plans to support local churches and ministry partners to open doors for real help and hope in the wake of this disaster.

Crowds watch two yellow machines remove rubble from the foundation of a home.
Crews operate heavy machinery to free a family of Christians buried in the rubble of their collapsed home.


  • Pray for the local churches in the region to take this opportunity to respond by serving their community
  • Pray for the ongoing safety of those impacted by the earthquake, as buildings have been destabilized and people fear more aftershocks and damage


Give online or mail a check of any kind designated “Turkey Earthquake Response 39705” to:

901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300

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