Through your gifts, millions are impacted by the gospel worldwide.

Give to a Missionary or Project

Everything we do at the EFCA is made possible through the prayers and gifts of people like you. Together, the EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. Thank you for your financial partnership.

Give Where Most Needed Through the EFCA Fund

Gifts will be faithfully used in areas of greatest ministry need through the EFCA Fund.

Automatic Monthly Donations

The first automatic deduction from your bank account will occur in about four to five weeks. Donor Services will send confirmation of your enrollment in this monthly plan and note the date of the first deduction. From then on, everything is automatic! A record of the deduction will appear on your monthly bank statement.

Cash & Check

For tax, record keeping, and security purposes, cash contributions should be made by check. Please do not send cash through the mail.

Credit Card

This is a convenient way to give to the EFCA. When making your gift online, you will have the opportunity to indicate if you would like to have a monthly recurring gift. However, please note that 2-3% of your gift is deducted by the credit card company for their processing fee and never reaches the EFCA. For regular funding partners, we recommend using personal checks or automatic bank withdrawal to ensure that your entire gift goes toward kingdom work.

Tax-Exempt Information

The Evangelical Free Church is tax exempt. The EIN number is 41-0721672. This is the IRS form needed if it is required for your gift to be made to support EFCA ministries.

EFCA Foundation

Providing planned giving resources to individuals and ministries.

Partnership Fund

The EFCA is an association of local churches, districts, and national and international ministries knit together by a shared Statement of Faith, mission and vision, and funded through voluntary support from churches and individuals. Your support allows us to grow and expand the work of the EFCA bringing people to Christ. Each EFCA church is encouraged to contribute just 1% (plus the percentage the local district requests) to strengthen specific national and international ministry projects that help your church, EFCA districts and the broader EFCA movement accomplish kingdom ministry.

Gifts of Stock

The EFCA welcomes all stock and mutual fund transfers. Giving stock held more than 12 months offers a two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying capital-gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. Subtracting the tax savings from what you originally paid for the stock can result in a gift that costs just pennies on the dollar. This is an excellent option for stock that has appreciated substantially in value.

To make a gift of stock, please notify us by email specifying the number and type of shares, and the ministry designation for the gift.

Clearing Firm Name: Graystone/Morgan Stanley.
DTC Clearing #: 0015
Account Name: Evangelical Free Church of America
Account Number: 694-095822

Service: Amy Baker // 847.480.3609 //


Nyng Yang

Director of Donor Services

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